Finding time to write is one of the hardest things at the moment - work, as always, takes up a lot of time, plus sorting quarter of an acre of garden, sorting out number one son with his new house in Birmingham as he starts his second year at University, and so it goes on. Oh, and I am now making all my own bread at home. "Well thebrought stuff just hasn't got the flavour, and all the additives they put in it to keep it fresh - I could go on, but after doing all the research I would say bake your own, it doesn't take as long as you think its going to.
So, new regime needed, early nights followed by early mornings to try and get some writing done then, while I am reasonably fresh as trying to write at night after working all day and them making tea etc - well, it's not my best work.
I went to a Story Telling group at a pub in Wolverhampton last week, the Newhampton it was called, the group meet on the 1st Monday of every month and it was really interesting. The first half was just people getting up and telling a story, with a time limit of about 10 mins and then after the break there was a chap called Mike Hardy from welsh Wales and he was a brilliant story teller - the story's weren't that interesting, it was just the way he told them that made them special. I am going to have a go, if I can pluck up the courage, I have been practising at home, and ... well, I will tell you more about after I have been again next month.
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