Monday, November 9, 2009

work in progress

Well doesn't time fly!

Roaming Romans is still a work in progress I am afraid - a new job and a new house have put me behind schedule - well, to be honest, VERY behind schedule, but there we are.

Still, I still have 'Flying Shed' to market and so I am going to put some effort into getting it 'off the ground' - sorry about the pun!

So, if you haven't purchased one yet - shame on you - go to Amazon and buy one, right now. It's a really good read, and that comment is from both young and old - I used to think people told fibs when they talked about books they 'could not put down'. But hey, now they are saying it about my little gem, and that sort of comment makes me walk 10ft tall, especially since these are from people who aren't family and friends.

So go on, go and buy one, you won't regret it - and if you buy one now, it will be worth a bob or two, because it is first edition. I am working and a 2nd edition, with some of the 'deliberate mistakes' taken out - so 1st editions could well turn out to be priceless in 10 years time.

So don't wait or in 10 years time, I will will there going "I told you so!"

Have fun


Thursday, March 19, 2009

School Trip

Hi there,

Sales of 'Space Ace and The Flying Shed' are progressing steadily - mind you I had a bit of a 'to-do' with Amazon etc as they had listed both my name and the book title incorrectly - it's all OK now though, so if you want to order a first edition, there are still a few left.

I did my first school visit with the book to Church Eaton primary is Staffordshire and my thanks to Mrs Burton and Mr Winkle for inviting me in - I went to assembly to see all the kids dressed as a character from a book - they were magnificent in their costumes and then I had an hour with class 3 making monsters and talking about magic and witches and the like, before reading then the first chapter.

I then had an hour with class 4, where the kids started to design me a new book cover and I will be going back shortly to judge the winner and present them with a signed copy of the book.

I was exhausted by the end, but thrilled at the reception they gave me and the interest shown in this book and the first few chapters of 'Space Ace and The Roaming Romans', which I am working on at the moment.

I am hoping to get the book ready for the next round of publication by the YouWriteOn team, but I may not achieve the deadline - ho hum.

Still, I am looking forward to my next visit to a school, library or bookshop with 'Flying Shed.'

