Monday, February 8, 2010

Marketing is going well

Some good news on the marketing front - I have had an article printed about the publication of my first book in the monthly news letter at work, which has generated a good deal of interest and a number of book sales for 'Space Ace and The Flying Shed' - so thanks to all those that have recently purchased a book.

It now means that there a very few first editions left (the copy with all the deliberate mistakes) and I am hurriedly working on the revised 2nd edition, which should have a new cover and all the typo's corrected - which will mean that the limited run of the first edition (there are only 100 in print) could be worth a mint when I become a 1 million book best selling author.

In between working through editing the next book 'Space Ace and the Roaming Romans' and revising the first book, and working on a marketing plan, I have suddenly become very busy

Oh yes, a local well known national bookstore has also given me a strong indication that they will put 'Space Ace and The Flying Shed' on their shelves, so watch this space!

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